Practitioners & Associates

Thank you for stopping by to learn more about Athletes United. We believe that our groundbreaking platform will bring people together to nurture and enhance the mental game in the athletic world.

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This cutting-edge industry could be exactly what you’re looking for at this point in your career to challenge you on a professional level and further fulfill you on a personal level.

With your expertise and dedication, we will address the underrated, undervalued, and underfunded aspects surrounding mental health and vital support for athletes and their care-partners, in order to better their success and personal growth. Through positive, timely and compassionate marketing, Athletes United will aggressively dismantle stigmas so that seeking your support will be incredibly valued, second-nature and proactive.


Athletes United’s intention is for its professional care providers and registered practitioners to have various, intricate levels of experiences in athletics. In order to ensure the nuanced understanding of the complex pressures athletes face, spanning from recreational levels to the pinnacle of Olympic or Professional competition that we promise, we’re looking for practitioners to provide tailored, empathetic support that transcends conventional approaches by addressing the multifaceted challenges athletes encounter throughout their journey.

Athletes United knows that an athlete’s support network is vital for their progress and achievement, therefore it isn’t just the athletes themselves that AU hopes to treat. We’re just as interested in the well-being of the athletes as we are their parents & care-partners, families, coaches and teammates. By partnering with associations, there will be ample opportunities for practitioners to provide individual sessions, group sessions and even immediate services like a hotline.

The success of Athletes United depends on an integrated web of dedicated, passionate personnel. The registered practitioners who make up the eventual team are integral to our mission of prioritizing mental health as the key component of athletic development.


Beyond the aforementioned, a career at Athletes United is attractive for the professional who wants to be part of this inaugural approach to mental health and support. In addition to the subsequent job satisfaction, we also offer competitive compensation in our business model. Just as Athletes United respects and honours the time constraints on athletes and their families, we value your time as well. It is for that reason that we allow for flexibility with your scheduling and hours of availability.

We are a team of people whose purpose holds the mental health of its members and employees in the highest regard. In order to nurture this, we provide our practitioners with health benefits, case-conferencing, a collaborative atmosphere and other employment perks to be discussed throughout the interview process.



You’ve happened upon us at the beginning of our journey. As we embark on our transformative mission, wouldn’t you love to be part of this endeavour that aims to guide and support athletes aged 10+ through addressing their mental health challenges, academic pursuits and establishing life balance. By harnessing your well-earned credentials, experience and wisdom of walking the athletic path in some ways, our initiative sheds light on components often overlooked.



Athletes United


Athletes United is a groundbreaking platform bringing people together to nurture and enhance the mental game in the athletic world.