Joseph “Joey” Hendrix – Collegiate Golf

Sports Mentor
“Success in this game depends less on the strength of body than the strength of mind and character." – Arnold Palmer

I was born in a small town in Southeast Georgia. I was fortunate enough to discover the sport of golf around the age of 13 just by randomly flipping through the tv channels. Crossed my mind that I could do that, and that it didn’t look that difficult. BOY, WAS I WRONG. Once, I made a personal goal to at least play on the collegiate level within the sport I then discovered the passion I had obtained from it. I would never have thought that on my golf journey I would be 4th in the state of Georgia at the end of my high school career, but after my performance in that tournament I was fortunate enough to achieve my dream of playing collegiate golf on a scholarship. After my collegiate career came to an end, I went on to work for The Walt Disney Company in Walt Disney World where I met my now wife. I made the move to Canada in August of 2022, obtained permanent residency in July 2023, and my wife and I are new parents as of June 2024.

I attended Andrew College on golf scholarship where I played for two years. I graduated from Andrew College with an Associate’s Degree in Business Administration. After Andrew, I attended Georgia Southwestern to continue my Business Administration, but to mainly enroll in the Profession Golf Management course. Unfortunately, I did not complete this due to the course being cut.

Professional Working Credentials:
– Associate’s Degree in Business Administration
– Guest Operations, Walt Disney World
– Permanent Resident of Canada

Qualifications : Golf
  • Port Colborne, Ontario