Erin Hefford – University of Tennessee Track

"To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep the mind strong and clear." - Buddha

I did gymnastics as my primary sport for most of my life. Over the years I added in swimming, skiing, and track & field. When I was looking at universities I planned to do gymnastics; however, some injuries changed the plan. I chose my school based on the program of study I was interested in and then walked on to the track and field team. I couldn’t completely walk away from gymnastics so I participated in the club team and became more involved with coaching. Since then, I have continued with sports for fun and currently live in Kimberley, BC where I can ski, snowboard, trail run, hike, and mountain bike whenever I want.

I attended several universities as I tried to find my fit. Since I had done gymnastics for years, pole vaulting was where I landed. I walked on my first year and did not really enjoy my time so the following year I transferred to another school where again I participated in pole vault. I transferred a few more times and my senior year of school I decided to focus on school and I did not participate in athletics. When I started my second master’s program, I knew I had eligibility left so I decided to start training with the track team again. I did not compete but it was great being able to train competitively again.

My education includes a Bachelors in Exercise Science, Minor in English from Trinity Christian College, Master’s in Sport Administration from Canisius College, Master’s in Sport Psychology from The University of Tennessee, Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy from Briercrest Seminary, started my PhD in Rehabilitation Therapy at Queens but took a leave of absence, Registered Clinical Counselor, and Canadian Clinical Counselor.

Qualifications : Gymnastics, Track & Field
  • Kimberley, British Columbia