
Our crystal clear, forward-thinking and detailed marketing plan outlines the unique business model of Athletes United that requires a diverse sales approach to attract and enrol people with varied athletic experience as members.

Join in WHAT

At Athletes United, we’re addressing The Game Within. We know that many athletes experience a wide variety of challenges throughout their athletic journey. Throughout time, there has been a highly disproportionate concentration on the physical side of that journey.

Well, times have changed.

Considering our current social environment, mental health resources for athletes are underrated, undervalued and underfunded. This is in addition to the overwhelming stigma associated with mental health and life-balance requests for support.

Our Athletes United Management Team, investors, registered practitioners and sponsors will unite to smash that stigma and honour the fact that athletic performance is directly impacted by such factors as time demands, parental pressure, leaving home at an early age, peer pressures, difficulties with developing friendships/relationships, financial hardships, lacking family support, injuries, chronic health conditions, etc.

Athletes United presents a unique business model by establishing community-based communication channels for all athletes, with professionals who have walked the talk. By employing individuals with a high athletic IQ, Athletes United brand will address mental health, injury support, career transitions, social adjustment, parental guidance, job placement, educational support and substance abuse.

As a platform, Athletes United values:

  • Privacy
  • Transparency
  • Equality
  • Integrity
  • Individualized attention
  • Prompt and comprehensive services
  • Accessibility
  • Registered Practitioners with athletic experience
  • Online communication
  • Accountability


Our crystal clear, forward-thinking and detailed marketing plan outlines the unique business model of Athletes United that requires a diverse sales approach to attract and enroll people with varied athletic experience as members. We will be –


Our all-encompassing marketing techniques will engage Associations (mass marketing), saturate social media (targeted, relevant and approachable), include an Athletes United podcast (to entertain, educate and elicit members), solicit Alliances (community driven and eventually for global continuity) and elicit Corporate Sponsorship (vital in our intention to be highly accessible for those who qualify). Our marketing slogan – The Game Within – captures the in-depth and beautiful complexity of an athlete’s experiences.

At this point in time, resources and support for improving the mental health of athletes are mostly government-funded or private practices. Those options often come with long wait lists and don’t specialize in working with athletes, like we will. Our focus is exclusively on the emotional and mental well-being of athletes, enabling them to perform at their highest level. We acknowledge and prioritize the vital correlation between strong mental health and its reciprocal effect on the athlete’s physical aptitude and longevity.

When you invest in Athletes United, you’re investing in comprehensive services including mental therapy, injury support, academic advice, and athlete representation. We estimate that 1.5 out of 5 athletes may require the assistance of Athletes United. Based on this information, we anticipate a bustling market population whose lives we will influence dramatically and positively, in any calendar year.

OUr Business Is


As part of the Athletes United platform, there is investment diversity with categories including mental health, injury support, career transitions, social adjustment, parental guidance, job placement, educational support and substance abuse. At Athletes United, there is scalability. Our initial start-up phase serves the Niagara Region of Ontario, creating a structurally sound foundation to the core business model. We provide a combination of registered practitioners and associates who are the backbone of Athletes United. We anticipate scalability within our online platform to multiply at a minimum every 6 months, across various regions.

We would love to talk to you about our promising financial projections and realistic and reasonable start up costs upon serious inquiries.

Long-term Vision and Plan

Athletes United will expand using calculated decisions based on analytics, market demand and supply. Athletes United conservatively anticipates country-wide success within 5-7 years and international market penetration within 7-10 years. Specifics and more details are available upon request.

Athletes United is REWARDING

We are a unique community that supports athletes of all ages and skill levels, with our extensive years of experience in the realm. Our core values prioritize the privacy and holistic stability of athletes participating anywhere from recreational to professional sports. At a time when society is finally recognizing the importance of attention on mental health, it is the best time to align yourself with these initiatives so that your portfolio yields valuable impact in many significant ways, on top of financially.



Athletes United


Athletes United is a groundbreaking platform bringing people together to nurture and enhance the mental game in the athletic world.